Thursday 15 December 2011


Have you ever had a dog? I’ve had a dog for 10 years. She is an Irish setter.

She is the most curious dog I’ve ever had. She likes following people; especially me.  She waits to see what we do then starts playing, even though we don’t play at all. Also, she moves restlessly all the time.  When I walk her, she always looks for cats, birds and even insects.  If she finds them, it is going to be a trouble for me. She starts running suddenly to catch them. Even I can’t see them, but she knows where they are. That is her instinct, because she is a hunting dog. When she was young, I often got injured during walks. She was so mischievous.  Now she is old, but she’s still energetic like a puppy. However, she doesn’t like being alone outside. For example, when I go into a supermarket with her, she has to wait for me outside. Then she will cry until I return.  But, as soon as she sees me, she stops crying and romps so much. That is so cute to me. She is like my baby.
When I first got her, many people thought she was a dachshund with long legs.  But since she has such an interesting character and not so many Japanese people have Irish setters, she is known very well in the neighborhood. In addition, she is always friendly, so people talk to me often while I’m walking her.
I really like having Irish setter.  So, if I have a dog next time, I would like to have Irish setter again!

I found a movie that we can know about Irish setter. I will be happy if you like them after you see it.


  1. Kiki is so cute! I bet she is a great dog :)

  2. Hi Dancing Butterfly, Thank you for saying so:) I love her sweet face so much!

  3. Too bad Kiki and Homer could never meet. I am sure Homer would love her! It is really nice to have the responsibility of a dog, isn't it!
