Monday 31 October 2011

What My Bedroom Looks Like

Do you think Japanese people sleep on futons in tatami rooms? I want to demonstrate my bedroom as an example and you’ll know how Japanese houses have been changing in recent years. My square bedroom is not a traditional Japanese style, even though I have a tatami room in my house. My house is a Canadian style house. Please imagine a square room with cream colored walls and you are at the back right corner. There is a nice white door with a gold knob imported from Canada to go into my bedroom. And you see a brown desk on left side in the corner. Beside the desk, there is a bed with a yellow bed seat. Also, I have pretty white windows from Canada between the desk and the bed, and on the far wall next to the bed. On the far right, there is a small white door that is also from Canada. That's one of the entrances to go to the storage room. The wall on the right side is decorated with postcards, CD's and stickers. So, nowadays people prefer to live in western style houses. Also we'd like to keep storage rooms in our houses even though a lot of people are used to having small sheds in their yards before. Our house styles are getting universal.

※storage room    It's a place people keep things which they don't use for a while such as heaters,fans,futons etc.


  1. Hello Aya,
    Thanks for posting! I would love to see a picture of your Canadian bedroom in Japan!
    tatami is not capitalized
    Japanese houses have been changing . . .
    huts/sheds, or huts or sheds (sheds is the right word)
    This is a beautiful example of a descriptive paragraph!

  2. Hi Kelly! Thank you for the comment. I fixed my blog post. I will show you my picture next time!

  3. This is Kelly
    Okay Aya, I await!

  4. Hey Aya this is Marie-Helen! You seems to have a beautiful bedroom! Hope to see it one day!

  5. This is Samuel:
    Wow! Your room seem really beatiful.

  6. ☆MH☆
    Thank you for your comment! I have fish in my room in Japan,too! They are tropical fish. But I don't know whether they are still alive or not...Because my mother takes care of them terribly.

    Thank you for the comment! I like my house very much. The colour of my house is yellow. I think it's nice!
