Friday 16 September 2011

About My Blog

Hi I'm Aya. I'd like to introduce things about Japan in my blog.
The things in my country are different from Canada.
I want to share them with you!
If you are interested in my blog or Japan, please feel free to send a comment to me.

By the way, I want to tell you about my blog's name.
Marimo is algae living in lakes. We only have Marimo in a lake named Akan lake in  Hokkaido,Japan.
They are natural monument of Japan.
I share Marimo's picture with you.
Nowadays we keep them in home or desks in offices wherenever we like .
They make us relaxed. They grow slowly and slowly....

There are Marimo and  shrimps in a small bottle.


  1. Hello Aya,
    I really like the theme of your blog! It will be interesting for me to read your analysis, your comparisons and your feelings around this experience!
    I think that marimo is really beautiful! Where can I get one?
    A couple of grammar points:
    You need to use more signal words to connect your ideas and make your writing flow better.
    Marimo is a natural symbol of Japan.
    Here is a picture of marimo and shrimp . . .

  2. Hi.Thank you for your comment! I'm trying my best to improve my English :D I'm so glad you are interested in my blog.
    About Marimo...We can get Marimo at pet shops in Japan.I saw Marimo at a pet shop in Canada only once.My friend in Canada bought Marimo on e-Bay, but I think it's different from the Marimo in Japan. It's not like my picture.. It's much bigger and no shrimp...In Japan,We have Marimo in many kind of pretty bottles! Anyway, You can arrange your bottle whatever way you like. For example, I put small pretty shells in my bottle! I picked them up when I went to the beach :D
    Also I like keeping fish, but I have never tried keeping Marimo and fish together in a same bottle, even though I want to. Because I'm afraid the fish might eat my Marimo!!
