Sunday 25 March 2012


ホームシックげっそりexclamation ×2





いつもみんな夕日見てるじゃんexclamation & question犬の散歩してるじゃんexclamation ×2何で今日にかぎって。。。チーン雪

しかも寒いっexclamation ×2 この前まで20度以上あったのに、急に冬に戻ったみたい・・・気候の変化激しすぎあせあせ(飛び散る汗)






Saturday 11 February 2012

Happy Funny Smile :)

Who likes waiting for the bus in the cold temperature like -15C with a lot of snow every morning?Well..not me at all. My head kills me from the weather.
We really don't have a lot of snow in my home town, Fukuoka.
So sometimes I'm sick and tired of walking outside in North Bay.
But this Thursday it was a great morning!
It was the most fun I ever had on the bus.
The driver talked to passengers every time they got on the bus and sometimes asked them their names.
Most of them were college and university students. They seemed sleepy in the morning but every time when they talked with him, they smiled and laughed because he made jokes and good moods.
When the bus was arriving at college, he found out it was a girl's birthday on that day.
As soon as he knew that he asked for her name.

Then guess what he said to us!!

He said ...
"Hey everybody. Today is this lady's birthday. Let's sing a song for her~~~! Whoa!!!"

Every one was astonished and laughing to hear that!!
Of course, the lady's face became red but she seemed really happy :)
So we sang a birthday song for her same together.
It was a really incredible experience for me because I'm sure this will never happen in Japan.
I love this friendly culture of Canada and it makes me want to stay here longer.
I swear I can stand for this cold weather in Canada as long as I love this culture.

By the way, when I take the bus at 7:25am, it's a bit stressful.
The bus is full of students going to college and university.
But that bus driver always cheers us up to get on the bus for as many students as possible.
He always says " Hey guys! everybody move back, move back!! You can do it!! Hey, come on~~!!!"
We feel unpleasant about the crowded bus, but then we laugh listening to what he says.
So I really like taking his bus and it makes me happy.
I'm pretty sure he is the most popular bus driver in this city because when people walking outside see him, they often smile and wave their hands to him :)
He is the best bus driver I'd ever met!